F100 4.x for MS-Windows

Download a copy of the full featured control software for our F110, F112, F125, F165 and F170 programmable frequency generators.This version of the F100 software will not work with our previous generators (F105, F150, F155, F160). For the F105/150/155/160generators, download version 2 available here.

You can download F100  by clicking the link bellow. Save the file setup.exe and then follow the instructions in the user guide here to install F100 on your computer. If your generator was purchased before Windows 7 was released, make sure you upgrade the firmware on your generator at the same time otherwise the new F100 software might  not work with your generator . To do this, first install f100 to your computer, then select menu tools->update firmware and follow the instructions on your screen.

To find out what features/bug fixes were added to a specific release, read the release notes  for each software release here.

This new release includes a menu option to update the USB firmware on your generator to support MS-Windows 7 ,8 and 10. Those with generators made before Windows 7 was released , who plan to switch to MS-Windows 7,8 or 10 MUST do this update to their generator BEFORE switching. To be able to do this update, you need a Windows system that can communicate with the generator. This can either be a Windows XP or Vista system.  Most Windows  systems starting with version 7  will not be able to communicate with the generator without this firmware update. Prior to switching Windows versions, please download F100 , install it, connect your generator and turn it on. Then select tools->Update USB firmware. Then turn off and on your generator. After this, a new USB driver will be installed. On most systems, this will be done automatically by Windows. On others, you will have to install it manually via the MS-Windows Device manager. The new USB drive is located in c:\Program Files\f100\usb
