The software for our generators can be downloaded here . The documentation to get you started is also online.

F100 series programmable frequency generators have been in production for  over 20 years. We now offer 5  models from the F102 board to the  F165. All models in the F100 series are highly programmable hardware devices that can be pre-programmed from your computer  and then run those programs standalone. We also offer the P220 plasma tube driver based around our F104 frequency generator.

All our generators are programmed by the simple F100 programming software to output frequencies you enter via text files and then copy to the generator. You can also create/edit programs in standalone mode with the keypad. The F100 software gives you full control over the frequency, duty cycle, sweep, loops, gating/modulation and many other parameters described in the user guide. The F100 DDS hardware frequency generator module generates precise, crystal referenced frequencies. Intended for any application that requires fully programmable frequencies.